Friday, September 17, 2010

Tacca intergrifolia

Here is another beauty. Tacca intergrifolia or Bat’s flower. It is not easy to find in the nursery at the moment. This one we collected for research purposes. But it makes good ornamental plants because of the unique flower and majestic foliage.

The four ears that look like a bat’s wing are the modified leaves called bract. They also have extra filamentous bracts which look like the whiskers. Inflorescence are compound umbel type with the tiny florets enclosed in the large sepals.

In Malaysia, the bract are either black or white

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Nur,
    The Bat's flower is unique, exotic and eye-catching. Looking forward to more pictures and postings.I'll be making a link to your blog if you don't mind :)
    Uncle Mood from Borneo.
